What is an Enterprise-class Technology Solution?

Nicole Wilson
August 27, 2023
5 min read
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Enterprise-class or enterprise-level are buzzwords many business owners encounter when purchasing company software. But what exactly do those terms mean?Enterprise-class applications are built for large enterprises and are considered very robust and scalable. They are not your typical off-the-shelf solution. Giant corporations with thousands of employees employ enterprise-level technology.However, don't let “enterprise” scare you away. Small- and medium-sized businesses can take advantage of enterprise-class programs like BOLD EDI Enterprise.

Enterprise-class Defined

Techopedia says enterprise-class programs are compatible, customizable, powerful, and secure. But the designation is not a certification given to a program that checks certain boxes or passes a set of standards. Instead, it's simply a marketing term. Therefore, I encourage you to do your research when looking at a new enterprise-level solution. Let me show how BOLD EDI Enterprise is an enterprise-class solution that checks all the boxes.

Enterprise-class: Compatible

Compatibility is a feature touted by those using the “enterprise-class” label. While I can't speak for other solutions on the market, I can assure you that BOLD VAN is compatible with your existing databases and tools. In addition, our EDI solution integrates seamlessly with any ERP, business system, and accounting software.

Enterprise-class: Customizable

A one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work when integrating EDI into different business systems. So instead, BOLD VAN creates an integration plan that fits every organization's business processes, setup, and requirements.BOLD VAN works with your unique situation. For example, when Spanx migrated to BOLD VAN, they were concerned about the process. So, we created a testing environment to try the data connections between Spanx and BOLD VAN before the official migration.

Enterprise-class: Powerful

Enterprise-class applications are said to be robust and scalable. BOLD VAN's architecture allows you to scale up quickly and cost-effectively as you continue to grow your business and add trading partners. You need to meet certain requirements to be EDI compliant for specific vendors, and BOLD VAN's solution will take care of it for you. For example, enhanced searches, advanced reporting, tighter internal integration, and control are only part of the host of innovative features offered at BOLD VAN's enterprise level.

Enterprise-class: Secure

Data is delivered securely and quickly on a modern platform with a 99.998% uptime. Your data is secure from outside threats and leaks. You'll find our EDI migration process to be efficient, secure, and transparent.

Cost Efficient

All this functionality must be expensive, right? Wrong! BOLD VAN differs from most other EDI VAN providers worldwide by charging per trading partner rather than per kilo-character of information. The numbers speak for themselves — after switching, your business could save anywhere from 40 to 80 percent or more on your enterprise-wide EDI costs.

Customer Service

Once we're set up, are we on our own? Nope! Enterprises receive dedicated, personalized, available support when partnering with BOLD VAN. We understand support that resolves problems and provides vital information cultivates better relationships with your trading partners.BOLD VAN enterprise-level solutions include:

  • Customer service in three U.S. time zones and Europe
  • Personalized support available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
  • The ability to manage and view data through a customizable dashboard

Get in Touch

Interested in learning more? Call 844-265-3777 or email info@boldvan.com. In addition, learn about our three-month trial and EDI-compliant shipping module called DES.

Nicole Wilson
Content Manager

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